There are many places in London which attract no public interest.
For once, our interest was not in the real highlights of the city,
but simply in the ordinary things.
Everyone of us searched for the interesting part of the ordinary at their given place. The selection of these places is based on the book “Big London A-Z”, a road atlas. Each coordination field in the middle of a page was chosen to be their “Point of Interest”. Chance decided. Afterwords twenty-one students swarmed out to their “areas”, searching for a good story. All those stories of many different kinds were put together back in Lucerne and filled into a book.
I wanted to create an enjoyable reading experience, which enables the reader to revisit London, search for
interesting stories and discover hidden treasures. A book which takes a little longer to read and hopefully
stays in mind a little longer too. A book that moves and changes constantly --— like the city itself. A book that encourages to go on a discovery trip to London.
London Matrix

London Matrix

There are many places in London which attract no public interest. For once, our interest was not in the real highlights of the city, but simply i Read More
