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Why Sesame Is The Perfect Makar Sankranti Superfood?

Why Sesame (Til) Is The Perfect Makar Sankranti Superfood?

As winter’s chill brushes against our cheeks and colourful kites dance in the clear sky, India comes alive with the spirit of Makar Sankranti, or the Kite Festival. 

What is Makar Sankranti?

The 15th of January is a day of great joy and cultural vibrancy in India and throughout the Indian diaspora. Makar Sankranti is a festival that commemorates the sun's northward journey into the Capricorn zodiac (Makar Rashi) and the resulting lengthening of days. It's a time to celebrate the harvest, express thanks for the sun's life-giving warmth, and reconnect with loved ones via time-honoured rituals and lively festivities.

In Maharashtra, families play a game called dahi handi, where a pot of yoghurt suspended high above is broken by human pyramids, symbolising teamwork and joy. In West Bengal, bullock cart races add a touch of thrill to the celebrations.

So, as the sun enters Makar Rashi on January 15th, let the vibrant colours of Makar Sankranti fill your life with hope, happiness, and the promise of a bountiful year ahead.

One Festival, But many names and ways to celebrate!

True to India’s “Unity in Diversity” DNA, Makar Sankranti is a festival that brings together different names and celebrations, reflecting the colourful diversity of our country.

1. Uttarayana in  Gujarat (India’s  biggest Kite Festival) 
2. Lohri in Punjab (celebrated with bonfires and folk dances)
3. Maghi in Haryana and Himachal Pradesh (celebrated with treats and prayers)
4. Magh Bihu in  Assam with feasts, music, and traditional games.
5. Pongal in Tamil Nadu, is a four-day festival with yummy rice dishes.
6. Makara Chaula in Odisha with prayers and delicious sweets.
7. Suggi Habba in Karnataka with prayers and special meals.

Beyond the Laddoos: Tasty and Healthful Recipes Using Sesame (Til) Seeds 

1. Til Peanut Chutney
2. Sesame Paneer Bhurji
3. Sesame Lentil Salad
4. Til Dahi Vada
5. Til and Coconut Rice
6. Til Stuffed Parathas

Til Laddoos: Sweet, Simple, Super Healthy

Enjoying til ladoos on Makar Sankranti is like indulging in a delicious and healthful pleasure. They're not overly greasy or sweet. Simply combine toasted sesame seeds, jaggery, and a small amount of ghee to create this flavorful, all-natural combination. Ghee gives some richness and jaggery sweetness and iron. This is the ideal guilt-free festival snack!

Yet, these simple sesame seeds are more than festive indulgences. Within them lies a nutritional treasure, turning them into the ideal Makar Sankranti Superfood.

Black Vs. White Sesame Seeds - Which is better?

Both have similar nutrition, but black sesame seeds have slightly higher antioxidants. The choice depends on personal preference and availability.

1. Black Sesame Seeds: Boast higher levels of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants compared to white sesame seeds. Their hulls retain more nutrients.

2. White Sesame Seeds: Are easier to digest and contain more protein than black sesame seeds. They're also a good source of magnesium and phosphorus.

Team Kayawell Wishes You a Happy Makar Sankranti

May your celebration be as bright as the sun’s ascent, and may your plate shine with the superfood goodness of til ! Happy Makar Sankranti !

Why Sesame Is The Perfect Makar Sankranti Superfood?

Why Sesame Is The Perfect Makar Sankranti Superfood?
