Where you Shine
The "Where You Shine" campaign is a visual experience that transcends the mere display of lamps and chairs to become a journey of spiritual and aesthetic connection. Each photograph in this campaign is a canvas of vibrant colors that bring everyday objects to life.
For this Kartell campaign, inspiration arises from the chakras, the energy centers that reside in our bodies. Each color represented in the images is intentionally linked to a specific chakra, thus creating a visual narrative that goes beyond mere design appreciation. Each lamp and chair becomes a portal for exploring deeper aspects, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in their energy and providing an opportunity to explore the connection with the surrounding environment.
Safety and stability at home. Creativity and vitality as play at home. Personal power and energy at home. Love and emotional connection in shared spaces. Clear and authentic communication in social areas. Mental clarity and intuition in spaces for reflection. Spirituality and peace in quiet areas of the home.
Thank you :) 
Where you shine


Where you shine
