Roy Justo's profile

UX/UI Case Study - Talento Oculto UX

Project review
Multiplatform application to help talented people in the UX field get a job but who do not qualify under the standard criteria of the calls (English, studies, schedule, among others), so their access to opportunities is limited.

The goal
Our goal with this application is to create a platform that not only delves into talents' skills but also supports for them, presenting their abilities to recruiters.

My role
UX designer:
Conduct initial research, state the problem, structure information, design user interfacesconduct usability studies, iterate designs.

Understanding the user
In general, the interviewees express a sense of limitation and helplessness, feeling capable of contributing but unable to secure employment. Additionally, economic concerns were identified, as freelance projects they could engage in while seeking permanent employment do not meet their needs. Ultimately, these professionals lack a well-established network of contacts.
User persona
Journey map
Problem definition
Royer, as a UX designer seeking job opportunities, needs to be referred to jobs because that way he could have flexibility regarding the requirements.
Information architecture
I used a sitemap for the public area, and, on the other hand, I used user flows for the internal area.

Site map​​​​​​​
User flow​​​​​​​
The design
Generating sketches that lead the idea towards a flow of screens. I used the 'How might we' and 'Crazy eights' techniques to generate ideas.
The design is primarily focused on capturing users' attention to encourage sign-ups, ensuring this process is as simple as possible.​​​​​​​
The landing page clearly explains the value proposition, followed by collecting basic UX profile information.
The other key aspect is to ensure that the user attends their first meeting with their assigned advisor
Low Fidelity prototype
Usability study
Moderated in-person usability test in Lima, Peru. 4 participants, each session lasting 10 to 20 minutes.
1)The app needs strong connections with networks, especially with Linkedin; 2) Remembering interviews is crucial; 3) Making the recruiter's job easier by enabling sorting based on their needs.
Based on the usability study feedback, I improved the internal homepage by adding shortcuts to key actions.
I made sure to highlight the phrase 'no commission' on the public landing page because the study showed it could be very attractive to recruiters.
refine design
User registration flows and the specific flows for advisor and recruiter roles have been completed.
UI Kit
For styles and components, I used the Material Design 3 library as a base. This ensures consistency and accessibility in my design
Finding a job in UX can be tough if you're not meeting market needs, even with the right skills. This app aims to help those struggling by improving their job opportunities.
What I learn
I learned that it's important to design considering different screen sizes right from the start and throughout the process."

Next Steps
Test them out.
Refine the different workflows.
Create a minimal viable product without code.
Let’s connect!
Thank you for your time. I hope you found this presentation interesting. I'm open to any opportunities and would appreciate hearing from you. You can find my contact information below:

Linkedin :
UX/UI Case Study - Talento Oculto UX


UX/UI Case Study - Talento Oculto UX
