Farooq Hospital's profile

Best Private Hospital in Lahore | Farooq Hospital DHA

Farooq Hospital DHA offers a range of specialized services and facilities, including gynecology rooms, a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), a pediatrics department, and dialysis units. These departments are staffed with experienced professionals dedicated to the well-being of patients.
You’re Address for Maternity Services
For expecting mothers, Farooq Hospital DHA is an excellent choice for maternity services. Their expert gynecologists and state-of-the-art facilities ensure a safe and comfortable birthing experience.
Discover the Best in Healthcare at Farooq Hospital DHA
In the realm of healthcare, accessibility, expertise, and trust matter the most. Farooq Hospital DHA excels in all these aspects. Whether you need immediate emergency care, specialized treatment, or routine medical consultations, this hospital has it all.
For inquiries, appointments, or to learn more about their services, you can reach out to Farooq Hospital DHA through the following:

Address: [P-Block, D.H.A, Main Ghazi Road, Lahore]
Contact Number: [042-35732242- 042-35709673- 042-35709938]
Map: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/UXrCkYaxuiW3iMQLA]
Don't compromise on your health and well-being. Choose Farooq Hospital DHA as your healthcare partner in Lahore, where top-notch medical services are available round the clock.​​​​​​​
Best Private Hospital in Lahore | Farooq Hospital DHA


Best Private Hospital in Lahore | Farooq Hospital DHA
