Jeanette Ely's profile

WildStar Fan Art and Commissions

WildStar Artwork
Here is all of my WildStar-related artwork that I have either done for myself or others.  WildStar is a trademark of Carbine Studios.
These are my WildStar characters I made up some time ago before the game was even in beta. The background is a beauitful screenshot from in-game that I edited.  You can also view my drawing process.
This was done rather spontaneously and took me roughly 1 week.  These are two random Chua from WildStar.

I wanted to draw these Chua without clothing, as I have a big love for the Gremlins movies, and the Mogwai were initially what the Chua reminded me of what we first caught glimpses of them in game last year.

As for the conversation, obviously these critters are conspiring and reciting the well-known words between Pinky and the Brain.  After debating what to name these two, I finally decided on Azurey (a play off Pinky) and the Whiz (AKA the Brain).
This was a commission for Kurik in the WildStar community.  Here were their characters' descriptions:
○ Name: Kurik
○ Race: Draken
○ Sex: Male
○ Skin/Fur/Scale/Robotic Exterior Color: Burnt orange and tan.
○ Horns: I'd like the horns to be like the ones shown in these images: Horns1 Horns2
○ Eye Color: Green
○ Hair Style & Color: Long shaggy black hair.
○ Clothing Style & Color: Doesn't have to look exactly like it but something similar color/style wise to these images would be great. Armor1 Armor2
○ Physical Description: Average Draken build, slight scarring across the nose and face. Forehead pattern similar to Evion's Drawing.
○ Brief Personality Description: A little more refined and quieter than your typical Draken. Kurik aspires make his clan proud and rise up within the Dominion. Kind of searching for his place right now between the Draken and Cassian Society.
○ Accessories: A simple silver earring in each ear.

○ Name: Khione
○ Race: Cassian
○ Sex: Female
○ Skin/Fur/Scale/Robotic Exterior Color: Slightly tan.
○ Eye Color: Dark Blue
○ Hair Style & Color: White, Medium Length
○ Clothing Style & Color: Dominion/Eldan style clothing but brighter than Kurik's.
○ Physical Description: Slender
○ Brief Personality Description: May or may not be part of the ICI, sort of watches over Kurik. Very curious and caring.
This was a commission for gentlestar over at for her thread Ask An Aurin.

She wanted the character, Lystra Darkespark, to look sane, but slightly unhinged, and surrounded by a bed of plushies
This was a commission for Simply Sylvan in the WildStar community of his wolf-dude that is somewhat Aurin-like.
WildStar Fan Art and Commissions

WildStar Fan Art and Commissions

These are all of my WildStar-related illustrations.
