1. Social Media Reel For Vim Dishwash Gel

Vim’s Dishwash Liquid Gel is a concentrated gel containing the power of 100 lemons(power refers to the cleaning benefits of lemons). It provides great value for money as only one spoon of Vim Liquid Dishwash Gel is enough to clean one sink-full of dirty utensils. Its pH neutral formula is soft on hands compared to other bars. It can safely be used to clean delicate utensils and all kinds of expensive crockery including the non-stick cookware.
2. Social Media Carousel Of Vim Pure Dishwash Gel Key Benifits

Vim Pure dishwash gel made with 100% actives which are plant-based. The oh-so fresh variants of VIM Pure are available in two variants – tangerine fresh and lemongrass fresh. It does not contain harmful chemicals like parabens and phosphates.
3. Social Media Post For Vim Suddham Gel

Vim Shuddham Gel is a hassle-free, effective dishwashing gel for cleaning copper, silver and brass pooja vessels. All you need to do is - pour, scrub, rinse the idol with water and wipe the idol with a clean cloth.
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