Digital Art Project
The theme of my project was Cleveland. The goal was to show the interesting places of this city. According to the idea, both parts of the project should attract tourists or simply show the beautiful side of the city. To achieve this goal, two posters and a 50 sec animation video.
The animation is frame-by-frame and done entirely by hand in Procreate.

The name 'Cleveland Sketches' means that both works were meant to be done with an artistic bent. This is why the posters have so many textures and a variety of colors.​​​​​​​
Poster 1: Museums
The poster depict exhibits of museums that can be visited in Cleveland. Thus, the dinosaur skeleton refers to the Museum of Nature, plants to Botanical Garden and the knight’s armor with painting refer to the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Poster 2: Oceanarium/Aquarium
The Oceanarium or Aquarium was chosen as another place to visit in Cleveland. However, in addition to this, the poster refers to the fact that Cleveland is located near one of the great lakes.

Cleveland Sketches

Cleveland Sketches
