Paisagens Sonoras is a set of 10 recorded concerts, of Portuguese bands and artists, set in various sceneries across Portugal.

“Paisagens Sonoras é um projeto de mostra de música portuguesa nas paisagens exuberantes de Portugal. De norte a sul, da costa ao interior, dos planaltos do Alentejo ao alto da Serra da Estrela, uma viagem sonora interpretada por jovens artistas portugueses que se dão a conhecer a si e aos seus projectos, com pano de fundo um Portugal pronto a ser descoberto por todos”
I was in charge of the design for the project, which distilled into:
- Single illustration to be used as “main identity” for the project
- An illustration for each concert, to be used as video thumbnail and social media content
- One animated intro to be used in all the videos

I took the creative freedom as an opportunity to explore this play-dough/stop-motion style I’ve been wanting to experiment with for a while.
I started off by creating a digital stop-motion set as the main image for the project, which then became the animated intro for the videos.
From there, the challenge was to create ten different and cohesive illustrations for each concert, which was done by using elements from the main image, and following the name and concept of the project to focus more on landscapes and broader images.
Look Dev
The main technical aspect of the production is achieving the play-dough look, which is rather simple and three-fold:
The colors are achieved through a mix of noises and gradients (some animated!).
Then there’s another layer of noise that goes both into displacement and roughness affecting the object’s shape and reflection, which gives it it’s distorted and smudgy feeling.
Finally there’s a bump map of fingerprint details, which I think is the most important part of the look.

Be sure to check Paisagens Sonora’s Instagram to see all the art in action, as well as the concerts in their Youtube channel!
Paisagens Sonoras

Paisagens Sonoras
