Ana B.R. Monteiro's profile

Difference Maker Undergraduate of the Year 2023

Difference Maker of the Year 2023
by GradIreland
It is an honour to announce that I was nominated for The Difference Maker Undergraduate of the Year 2023. I still cannot believe that make the final. For me, it has always been about being on campus and talking to fellow students to make them welcome at our Griffith College Dublin community. Communication and exchanging ideas are underrated. As much as you help people, they also help you out.

I always wanted to be more connected with other people, especially after an isolation period like the pandemic. Hence, I joined Griffith College Ambassador in 2021 when it started as the perfect opportunity that I was eager for. Griffith Ambassadors has the core objective to provide international students a cherished community throughout all Dublin D1 and D8, Cork and Limerick campuses. We have been publishing our experiences across the four campuses and student life on Griffith Global YouTube Channel. 
Some of My Work as Senior Griffith Ambassador
I have learned so much ever since the first video ever filmed. Personally, I feel a great responsibility for being the only Brazilian representative on their biggest campus. As I became a Senior Ambassador in my second year in this programme, I assumed new responsibilities like sorting out queries from 1st-year students in the new GC CampusConnect app while greeting and helping out the newest faces to the program.

Being a Griffith Ambassador has been a transformative experience. The confidence, video & editing skills, student networking and problem-solving I gained there were priceless. On the other hand, I am thrilled to share this story today and represent Griffith College in the #UGOTYAwards23 by GradIreland and Chartered Accountants Ireland while finishing this chapter with a flourish.
Difference Maker Undergraduate of the Year 2023


Difference Maker Undergraduate of the Year 2023


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