Katie Lehman's profile

Adopt Senior Pets

Senior pets are just as deserving of homes as young and newborn pets, but senior pets are far less likely to be adopted!
4 Different Poster variants to encourage you to adopt senior pets!:
Post Description: 
For my new media class our finals were about picking an issue that's important to us and raising awareness. So I'm raising awareness about senior pets and how important it is to adopt them! Senior pets are far less likely to be adopted compared to newborn and younger pets, and because of it they are far more likely to be euthanized. So here are some posters with facts about senior pets featuring my senior pets! (RIP Molly, I'm sure you're running around with Boo up there)
If you're getting ready to adopt a new pet, consider adopting a senior pet!
The sources for the statistics can be found here:
Adopt Senior Pets

Adopt Senior Pets
