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How to promote a singer with music marketing

How to promote a singer with music marketing

You must already know how difficult it is to get a singer to the top, right? It is not only enough to have plenty of talent, but you also have to apply many musical marketing strategies to promote a singer and attract followers around the world 100 sound cloud plays.

There is no more complicated job than winning over the public! And one of the great secrets of success is that your show is so good that no one wants to miss it. The good news is that when you are at the top, the rest is simpler.

What is music marketing?
Before showing you the methods, you should know what music marketing is about, and when we talk about promoting a singer through music marketing we are referring to a set of strategies, objectives and analyzes to promote a musical band.

The 25 Best Music Marketing Strategies
Now that you know what marketing in the music industry is about , let's learn about the most incredible strategies so that you can sponsor yourself in the field of music.

1. First things first: the quality of the artist
Is the singer's show good enough to promote? , this is the first question you must answer to ensure the success of the artist, if the artist is not too good, it is better to sign up for a singing academy to improve his tone of voice.

Making the show memorable is the guarantee that people will want to see each performance and that the artist will become famous. Once this step is covered, the real promotional work begins to get people's attention.

2. Start with some free live shows
Playing some live shows for free from time to time is a good way to promote an artist, since it will be a very valuable approach to the public.

If you are at the beginning of an artistic career, playing or singing for free is a good way to make yourself known. Of course, don't let them see the entire repertoire at once, because then no one will pay to see another presentation.

The most important thing is that you evaluate where your target audience is so that you can capture them easily and without wasting so much time.

3. Post videos of the performances
What has more power than the video format today, almost nothing, right? The thing is that everyone likes to watch videos, especially on social networks.

Take advantage of this boom and record several videos with the songs you perform to promote them on the networks, and thus show the show you offer to people.

You can even use video editors to join various fragments of the show so that people want to see more of what you sing. It's all about letting creativity fly to make a video that everyone remembers.

4. Don't forget the fundamentals: show posters
The shows enter through the eye, therefore, there is nothing better than posters, flyers or posters with a beautiful graphic design that serve to promote the show.

It must contain the fundamentals of the event and whose visual effect is so beautiful that it stands out from afar.

You can distribute it in cafes, restaurants, stores and in all places where the public you are looking to attract attends regularly.

5. Create a Facebook page for the event
One of the best ways to promote a singer or event is to create a fanpage or a Facebook page with all the artist's information so that the public knows what the show is about.

6. Use local support
A great strategy for promoting an artist is to visit local bars and businesses to hand out free samples of flyers and the music or event you are hosting.

The more doors you knock on, the more likely you are to convert people into your followers.

7. Use ads on YouTube
YouTube is the most obvious and effective way to do music marketing. The detail is making followers reach your songs.

To achieve this, hire the platform's ads to shorten the funnel of your potential audience so that they reach your channel faster. 

Use keywords to make your ads more visible and gain many followers. We know that it is a work of patience and more patience, but the reward is worth it.

8. Create a website and have a solid social media presence
Most people use social networks and spend much of their time browsing the internet. Therefore, take advantage of their attention with an online artist page that includes some of their work and the dates of upcoming presentations.

Complement this information with valuable content for fans and then advertise the topic on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

9. Use Vimeo and DaiMotion
These two platforms are already giving a lot to talk about among fans of good music.
In fact, they are the direct competition of the popular YouTube and it is a good idea to take advantage of those pages and promote music videos. Of course, don't forget to pay attention to every detail so that it is as original as possible.

In addition, on these platforms the videos are usually very professional, which increases the possibility of gaining a select audience.

10. Collaborate with other artists and create content together
A little help doesn't hurt at all and the experience of other established artists can be very useful to publicize the show you are promoting.

It may be at one of their events or presentations that you ask them for support to sing and demonstrate your talents.

Additionally, this serves as an endorsement that more experienced artists recognize the good you have to offer.

11. Use online music platforms like Spotify and Soundcloud
Online music platforms like Spotify and Soundcloud have become an important tool to promote any artist; This is because they offer a large potential audience and the ability to reach new followers every day.

By having a profile on these platforms, artists can share their music, interact with their audience and build their online presence so that people feel close to their idols.

12. Run online promotions
Through the websites, artists can also participate in paid promotional campaigns, publicize popular playlists , and take advantage of analytics functionality to better understand their target audience and improve their promotional strategy.

Therefore, it is a good strategy to launch promotions such as raffles for tickets to concerts, dinners, interviews and endless activities that bring people closer to their favorite artist.

13. Use traditional media such as radio and television
Traditional never goes out of style and today, radio and television still have a large number of followers.

You can schedule programs and interviews on television , as well as participate in live concerts to demonstrate what you know how to do.

On the radio, look for the programs with the highest ratings and try to get the songs into the playlist so that your music can be heard all day on the radio.

14. Make a documentary about your musical career
Another of the best ways to promote artists is to make a documentary that shows the human side of the singer , his beginnings and the evolution of his career.

It is a way to publicize the most relevant story of the character to create an emotional bond with your audience, which can increase your popularity and loyalty of followers.
Additionally, a documentary can be promoted on various online platforms and broadcast on television, broadening its reach and giving the artist a platform to share their music and message with a wider audience.

15. Partner with relevant brands
This method may be more difficult than it seems, but it gives very good results. However, it is not something that can be done right away, but the artist must have a bit of popularity so that brands want to promote his name.

It doesn't hurt to knock on different doors to get a bit of popularity through brands that are already known in the market.

16. Participate in music festivals and competitions
For the public to get to know a singer, there is nothing better than performing with the public, it's that simple!

At festivals and concerts you connect directly with the emotions of the audience and live a more human experience.

Therefore, organize events that offer an enriched feeling so that people cannot erase that magical moment from their minds.

17. Take advantage of influencer music marketing to reach a broader audience
By collaborating with relevant influencers in their niche or musical genre, any singer can take advantage of the following and credibility that this figure has to promote their music and content to a new and relevant audience.

In addition, it can help generate interaction with the audience, which will increase the visibility of the artist and generate new followers.

Also, you can collaborate with bloggers and music websites to get reviews and publicity.

18. Encourages the artist to actively participate in its promotion
You can do this through photo shoots, videos on your own social networks or even through personalized promotions to attract people's attention.

It's about the artist himself helping you with his promotions , which, in turn, makes the singer more human in front of his potential fans.

19. The power of Google Ads
You cannot leave aside the power of Google Ads that gives a lot of visibility to what you want to promote. In addition, this strategy even serves to monetize the website of the event or the singer whom you are going to make known.

20. Email Marketing
Email marketing is a powerful tool to attract many followers. Of course, you must create a content strategy that is attractive and that reaches people who are interested in what you present.

You have nothing to lose by trying this technique to increase your promotion levels.

21. Use Instagram Stories and Live Streams to Connect with Your Audience
Instagram reels and stories are trending among those looking to gain followers. This happens because you will be able to share everyday and behind-the-scenes moments of their life and musical career, which helps create a more personal bond with their audience.
Live streams also offer an opportunity for artists to interact directly with people, answer questions, and share content in real time.

22. Offer VIP ticket packages for your concerts
If something catches the attention of fans, it is the gifts they will receive from their favorite singers.

Don't overlook organizing a gift pack for your followers that includes VIP tickets and even personalized meetings with the singer so that followers go crazy looking for a way to get those gifts.

23. What about podcasts?
Take advantage of the current popularity of the podcast to do music marketing and publicize the value it can offer your audience.

It can be through your musical history, with a micro concert or with any approach that allows you to connect with the people who listen to you.

24. Go on tour to promote your music
This is one of the activities that never fails to make a singer known, since he will visit a wide variety of places so that his songs can be heard and he can demonstrate his talent.
It is good that in each presentation you do promotions, sales and discounts on tickets to attract more people's attention.

25. Use tracking statistics and make adjustments as necessary
Like any type of promotion, it's all about trying and trying until you find the technique that is most effective.

So, don't be afraid to innovate and practice new and attractive things to attract followers. However, do everything in an orderly manner and keep track of what works or doesn't work for you so you know what needs to change and what worked for you for the promotion.
How to promote a singer with music marketing

How to promote a singer with music marketing
