The Redesign: 

The Navigation:

1.) I rearranged some of the labels under the watch and the awards categories. I moved the labels Holiday Picks and MAMI and moved them to the watch category from the awards category.
2.) I also changed the navigation so that it folds down like a hamburger menu instead of covering the entire screen. 
3.) I added a pathway list under the nav in order to go to previous pages. 

What to Watch and Top 250 movies: 
1.) I fixed the contrast issues by continuing the dark mode aesthetic by preserving the black background. 
2.) I added a filter side bar to the watch section that way you can search for more specific movies and TV Shows to watch outside of what is popular. 
3.) I changed the mini header section from "Fan Favorites", "Top Picks", "From Your Watchlist", and "Most Popular" to "Trending", "On Your Watchlist", "And Critically Acclaimed". The original labels were too similar and I wanted there to be a separation between what's popular to what critics like. 

Main Home Body
1.) The in dividual sections are the same except I reorganized how you are introduced to the information and that sections are next to each other. I moved all suggested film's and movies as well as the "explore" options to the bottom  and then moved the dated content that relates to that day to the top. In-between these sections are videos and a link to your account and your watchlist. 

IMDB Redesign


IMDB Redesign
