Mandiri Tabungan Bisnis 
"This is not business as usual; this is business as special. When all business matters are a breeze and a joy—just like the joy we had when we turned badminton talents Kevin and Marcus into culinary wizards at a restaurant. Yes sir, When we talk about fun and easiness, we mean business."
Mandiri Tabungan 
"In this era, everyone, especially the now-generation, wants everything to be 'now.' Everything i want, everything i need, i want it and need it … now! So yeah, we've crafted a TV ad series that's not just relevant, but 'rele-fun,' with situations and talents representing the now era."
Mandiri Tabungan Payroll
"Young, dumb, and broke? That's not how i roll."
Mandiri Debit
"I see it, i like it, i want it, i got it ... with debit."
Mandiri Skyz 
"Nowadays, everyone is into Korean culture, from K-pop to K-drama. If you can't keep up with the ‘K-CULTURE,' don't cancel the culture, cancel the drama and get ready to go sky(Z) high with surpriZe!"
"The concept is straightforward – a camaraderie that injects fun into everyday occurrences, sprinkling in some absurd situations and an extra dash of gimmicky wordplay. It's a delightful blend that spices up life even more with Sarimi."
Nongshim Noodle
"In the midst of the pandemic, our client remains eager to advertise. We see it as an 'insightful moment'—when everyone yearns to step out, even if it's to Korea, they can experience the essence of Korea through the favourite noodles of Koreans.”
"The client loved their first TVC ad, and now they want more. This time, they're hungry for something unique and gimmicky to turn into a movement. So, we said, let's make it a Slurp Fever or Slurp Season (Originally coined it “DRAKOR: Demam RAmyun KORea”, a new wave from Korean dramas with a twist. But, for various reasons, they decided to go with Demam Nongshim!)
"After the COVID era subsides, as we slowly step out to resume our activities, the client aims to motivate everyone to work and engage daily with unwavering enthusiasm. This time, without worries about other viruses' double attack like the flu that comes with cough. So, we came up with a classic sing-along song everyone knows …and shake it with an earthquake.” 
"Diabetes isn't an 'old folks' exclusive club. It doesn't discriminate by age or occupation. So, don't hide from it—so while we are still young, let's face it together and give diabetes a run for its money!"
Energen Champion
”This is the stuffs of champion. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it."
"The client loves how the commercial successfully boosted sales and is interested in asking us to create a product category video for internal consumption in their global branding division."
"This is like a David versus Goliath campaign to some extent, so we decided to “TOLAK SIMILARITY” and bring something different and disruptive to the table. 
From anagram-driven new tagline (ANTANGIN TO ANGATIN) to how we can enjoy 
it in unique way and put a gimmicky name on it (TEMPUR ANGIN-THE CAMPUR ANTANGIN-COLLABORATED WITH TONG TJI)."
Antangin Mint
”When masuk angin gives you extra blow, fight back with extra mint and extra sensation”
Antangin All In
"Life can be so cold, you try to stay cool, but you end up frozen. Here’s something to Break the ice with life-affirming and heart- warming sensation of 'Sensasi Terjahe-Jahe’ in Series!”
Adem Sari Sparkling
"Now let's give it a new school twist to the og adem sari, with a story that vibes with the attitude and daily life of Gen Z. Let's turn them into zombies and hit them with a refreshing and sparkling wake-up call!"
Adem Sari 
"Adem Sari, the OG, getting a new school makeover! Imagine a foodie saga where Gen Z's cravings take the spotlight. Adem Sari steps in as the ultimate sidekick, turning any culinary adventure into a flavor-packed thrill, regardless of their food fancy!"
“This is no ordinary mosquito repellent lotion, so let's create an ad that's anti-cliché. Introducing Mongol Stress as the blood-sucking mosquito whose antics are stress-inducing. Show who the real boss is and get rid of him!"
Plossa Citrus
"Life feels heavy; sometimes you need an inhale-exhale. Now you can inhale-exhale with an extra freshness that'll head straight to your brain, making everything as light as a feather. And if that's not cutting it, give yourself a rub, massage, and a scratch – your body deserves the VIP treatment in the 'lightness' club!"
"This isn't your typical mom's fabric softener and fragrance combo. It's a luxurious, classy, and magnetic long-lasting perfume in disguise as a softener and freshener. So, let's put on a show and flex some classy act!"
Kispray Sapphire
”There’s a sentimental reason behind the commercial, but to keep it short and sweet, everyone's on cloud nine. Save the juicy details for our chat later!"
"No, you didn't hear it through the grapevine, you heard it thru the great pipes."
"Get united cos it feels so good."
...last but not least...




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