I inherited my love of photography from my father. Growing up, he'd drive us through Europe and Egypt in our little sedan. He'd stop by the most interesting spots and ask who wanted to be in the picture. My younger sister would always eagerly oblige, while I prefer to stay in the car and wait (car-sick aside). Once in awhile, he'd let me snap a few pictures while reminding me not to waste too much film. He'd say, "Wait - be patient. You don't want to snap away and waste too much film. Wait and you shall be rewarded."

That voice has echoed in me until now. Not only in photography, but applicable in day-to-day interactions too. When I photograph events, I wait for that special moment, hold my breath and pray that I I didn't push the shutter too strong that the photo becomes blurry. As a graphic designer, I tend to look for strong graphical elements or a play in colors.

I love traveling & learning about new cultures. It could be learning how to say thank you in Shona (Zimbabwe) or just visiting your neighborhood marketplace. I used to ask people to pose for me, but the most joy I get is when I can capture those honest, candid moments on camera.

For more photos, please  check out my instagram @t4ri
Milwaukee Art Museum, 2008.
Promotional photo shoot for "An Evening in Indonesia" for the Washington Performing Arts Society. Indonesian Embassy, Washington, DC.
Hwange National Park. Zimbabwe, 2006.
Zimbabwe-Botswana border. Zimbabwe, 2006.