The JCCC Department of Music, Theatre, and Recording Arts was in need of a poster and extra marketing graphics for their upcoming production, "Flaming Guns of the Purple Sage." This show promises a wild comic adventure with exaggerated humor and over-the-top violence – a real shoot 'em up, knock 'em up, cut 'em up experience.
Director Scott Stackhouse had a vision for a pulp-western atmosphere, emphasizing three key elements: melodramatic, distorted, and energetic. I took inspiration from pulp western book covers and B-list horror movie posters to craft a design that captures both the horror and humor in Scott Stackhouse's interpretation of "The Flaming Guns of the Purple Sage."
Visit my dropmark here for inspiration photos.
My final 11x17 design, drawing inspiration from the butcher table scene in "Flaming Guns of the Purple Sage".
My moodboard for the production. I wanted to heavily draw inspiration from pulp western and B-list horror posters.
Process photos and concepts, evolving from left to right.

Below are various different applications for the design, including a program cover, multiple social media posts, an email header, and more.
guns and sage

guns and sage
