Anton Shmelev's profileYurko Yarovyj's profile


What do we know about meteorites?
Primordial rocks that did not burn up in the atmosphere. They potentially wiped out the dinosaurs and gave mammals a chance for global dominance. 
Approximately 90% of what is attracted by the earth's magnetic field burns up in the atmosphere. The remaining 10% are hunted by meteorite hunters.

Gallery of art by Time and Nature ©

Rime is a gallery of unique natural objects (meteorites, crystals, fossils) processed in a certain way. Each piece is unique and inimitable, which makes it exceptional in terms of exclusivity for collectors.

The target audience is people who want to emphasize their status with expensive, unusual artifacts that exist in single copies.


Processing of meteorite stone. The constant flow of fluid prevents the saw from overheating.

Design / Art Direction – Anton Shmelev
3d motion – Yurii Yarovyi, Eugene Getmanets

Made by Happy Agency

