BACKGROUND    My interest in improving the paediatric hospital experiences for children came from my first hand experience of hosptialisation as a baby.  IV Pole’s were a hindrance to my experience, as they never appealed to my playful nature. I would dawdle off and my parents would be forever chasing me with this pole.
RESEARCH    Although these IV poles were designed with their function in mind, many issues have arisen after long-term use. This presented the opportunity to redesign the traditional IV Pole, specifically for paediatrics.
PROCESS      When designing medical products such as Sprout IV Pole, consultation throughout this process was key.  Over time the consultation outweighs the amount of design work, as the product is refined and the needs of all stakeholders are progressively introduced.
DEVELOPMENT     Sprout IV Pole was developed through drawings, model making, full-scale simulation prototypes and CAD. This development progressed in to working prototypes ready for critique and feedback.
CONSULTATION     Providing all users and most stakeholders the opportunity to share their views to shape Sprout IV Pole proved incredibly valuable. Consulting this wide range created interesting tensions of conflicting needs and wants, making it my responsibility as the designer to creatively respond to the majority of needs.
REFINEMENT    Finer detail refinements post consultations were completed in CAD prior to manufacturing to produce accurate dimensions and detailing.
VALIDATION    The consultation of children was done through a trialing Sprout IV Pole in a simulated hospital environment with healthy children. The responses gathered from the children illustrated the value placed on aesthetics, and the overall preference of Sprout IV Pole vs. traditional IV Poles.
EVOLUTION    Throughout many refinement cycles, Sprout IV Pole has progresses through to its third generation ready for the final stages of evaluation. 
RIGHT TO LEFT: 1st Gen Sprout, 2nd Gen Sprout trialed with children, 2nd Gen Sprout trialed with children, 3rd Gen conceptual design and 3rd Gen final design.
FEATURES        Sprout IV Pole provides a range of features that transform the traditional IV Pole in to a simple child-friendly product.  One being the handle, accessible when approaching from any direction, suitable for young children to adults, and the iconic Sprout for fluid bags to hang.
Sprout IV Pole

Sprout IV Pole

Sprout is a playful design to ease the stress and anxiety felt by children in hospital. This project is based on the collaborative nature of huma Read More


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