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Corporate site for a consulting agency

Company Overview

The client is an accounting company that specializes in delivering top-tier accounting and legal support services to businesses operating in Ukraine.

Range of Services

The company offers a comprehensive array of consulting services, encompassing accounting management, tax planning, financial statement analysis, and expert advice on corporate law and legal matters associated with business operations.

Professional Approach

The team constantly monitors changes in legislation and ensures that clients are provided with the latest and most accurate solutions in accounting and law.

Our specialists have extensive knowledge of Ukrainian legislation, which allows them to provide effective and strategic support to businesses, especially in complex legal situations.

Our task

The aim of the project was a complete redesign of the website. We had to create a comprehensive new online company profile that would distinguish the client from competitors.

Accounting services are an official niche. We wanted to get away from formality and make it with a clear structure and pleasant design. The primary goal was to create a friendly, youthful, and accessible company image, always ready to provide assistance and explain complex concepts in simple terms.

Our solution

We worked out the website structure in detail, based on the client’s services and a competitive analysis.
Following the client's wishes, we retained the main color accents that were previously used in their logo. This helped maintain brand continuity and gave the website a recognizable appearance for existing clients.
To make the campaign seem closer to users, we used real employees' photos.

Design process

Before commencing the work, a thorough analysis of audience research and competitors was conducted. We analyzed existing websites, selecting the best among them and paying attention to the most successful design solutions. Additionally, based on identified key user needs, a concept of user-friendly design was crafted.

Color palette

The new website incorporated active, pleasant gradients of the corporate style. This design solution is often used in the banking sector, contributing to a positive user perception.

Positive concept

Photos provided by the client were used on the site. They feature positive and smiling team members. All the images underwent additional editing, with color correction, to ensure consistency and emphasize the positive mood.

The direct speech and motivational phrases from team members were woven into the design concept. Thus, we gently and unobtrusively guide the visitor around the entire site and introduce him to the company's team.

Many dynamic containers such as sliders, accordions, dropdowns and various hover effects have also been developed and integrated.

Implemented promotional blocks in the most necessary places to attract the active attention of users to certain services.


Universal fonts have been selected that read perfectly in any size and on any device. Open Sans font turned out to be the best choice for a site in a such niche.

Prototyping and project architecture

In the next step, a complete prototype was developed with clickable and dynamic elements, as well as designed visuals for testing purposes.

The component-based foundation allows for easy scalability of the project and addition of new elements.

Responsive design

All layouts for every page of the website were created following Responsive technology, ensuring high-quality and controlled content display on various devices.

Utilizing the Flex methodology for crafting versions of the website for non-standard screen sizes requires the development of versions for desktop and mobile alone, simplifying the adaptation process for different devices.

Only two break points are used in the project: For the mobile version: 320 px - 1279 px with rearrangement of containers when changing the screen size, for the desktop version: 1920 px - 1280 px.

🔗 Links

🚀 We invite you to consider the project in more detail at the following links:

Layout file for the Figma project:
Production project:

Corporate site for a consulting agency

Corporate site for a consulting agency

The aim of the project was a complete redesign of our client's existing website. The primary objective was to create a comprehensive online compa Read More
