Abby Bubak's profile

Augmented Reality Design: Exodus 1-14

Augmented Reality Design: Exodus (Ch.1-14)
This project required me to make a unique augmented reality experience with a specific purpose and a set target audience. I created an interactive experience in the context of graphic design. In addition, I created a physical sticker that is used to access this.
I chose to create an experience that could be utilized by my fellow church members, primarily the youth. Currently, my church is going through the book of Exodus. My experience takes the viewer through Exodus (1-14) in a simple, easy to understand manner. The goal of this was to add on to what we are currently being taught and to offer something that is accessible to anyone of any age. 
Researcher, Designer, Illustrator
application & Equipment
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Aero, Adobe Photoshop, Procreate
Class Project
For my sticker, I chose something that I thought was both recognizable to the church as well as visually attractive. The burning bush is essential to Moses’ story. I chose to wrap the QR code in the branches and surround it in colorful flames. I also added in “scratches” or “doodles” to tie in the drawings that I used in my graphics (done by Lincoln-Berean kids). By combining my more modern design with these playful gestures I create a more fun atmosphere. 
Some examples of my story-book style graphics:​​​​​​​
Originally, my intention was to set out the sticker in front of the sanctuary for people to take as they come and go. Unfortunately I was not granted this. Instead, I gave out the sticker to the people in my Bible study (who also attend this church), and plan on giving it to the kids who drew me pictures. Once given, this sticker can be placed anywhere. In my photographs, I chose to place it on my bedside table. I imagine that if I was still little, I would want my mom to read me the story before I went to bed. I surrounded my sticker with my Bibles and story books to further push this idea and make it more personal.
My first step was to divide Exodus into sections. I read the book up until the Red Sea, then created five parts (excluding the background and closing): The Burning Bush, Moses Returns to Egypt, The Plagues, Exodus from Egypt, The Parting of the Red Sea. I read the chapters several times to ensure accuracy, then began writing my different “pages”. I approached this like a story book, each page was written in a concise and comprehensible way. I also did a lot of visual research, I looked at how symbols from Exodus were artistically expressed. I also looked at several childrens’ book layouts. Overall, I wanted my experience to be colorful, modern, and playful. I contacted the church requesting that some of the Sunday schoolers draw me pictures that I could utilize. I used these gems in my graphics, and combined them with my “scribbles” (mentioned before in my sticker).
Because I had never done AR, my sketches were extremely rough. I went through a few variations and still changed some things near the end as I was better understanding how to work with the program. In contrast, I hardly changed anything about my sticker sketch.
Throughout my process, I constantly tested my experience. Actions, sizing, and sound were constantly being fixed. I ran into a lot of bugs at the end, which really messed with things. To avoid this, I probably would have been even more meticulous with my process. Below is an test run I did near the end:
Overall, I am satisfied with this project. Design-wise, I am content with the work I put in and its outcome. I loved being able to take the kids’ artwork and blend it with my own design! If I could do this over again, I would spend more time working on the AR aspect. I put it off for so long because it intimidated me, but was actually quite fun when I got to it. There are still a lot of mistakes that I can’t seem to fix, but I completed this to the best of my ability. 
Augmented Reality Design: Exodus 1-14

Augmented Reality Design: Exodus 1-14


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