The word Pakola is derived from the two words Pakistan and Cola. The early advertisements of Pakola are associated with Pakistan someway or another for example to Independence day or Resolution day.
This is the original Pakola advert from 1956 printed in the newspaper. This advert was made for the Resolution day of Pakistan in 1956 during the transition of Dominion of Pakistan to Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which is why on the top right it says “The first anniversary of Islamic Republic of Pakistan”. The advert proudly displays patriotism. It repeats the word Pakistan thrice and even the logo on the bottle in the advert shows the crescent and the star like that on the Pakistan’s national flag. The drawing on the top left shows a soldier on a horse holding a flag in his hand from the National Day Joint Service Parade which takes place on the occasion of the Pakistan day. The soldier is wearing a ceremonial uniform to showcase the rich traditions and heritage of Pakistan. He is riding a horse which represents valor and strength and because horses have a long history of being war animals. The saddle on the horse also has the crescent and the star on it which further evoke the emotions of patriotism in the eyes of the viewer. 
The uniform of the military man is inspired by those worn by the british army based on the belts, ribbons, ties, the badges, the gloves and the boots as well. This overall practice of parade was inspired by the british which may be as a result of colonialism. Colonialism is the forced control of land by one group of power over the other to exploit their economy and take advantage of their resources. The british, who were the colonisers took over, or colonised the Indians which left many effects on the Indians, the cultures were altered and mixed with those of the british. The result of colonialism was usually that the British products or traditions were considered better or more powerful or elegant than those of Indians. We can see its effects everywhere around us, from beauty products and standards to the attires i.e. White skin is considered superior over darker skin. This same effect can be seen in the uniform of the military man, he is wearing British inspired attire which indicates that we associate the British army attire with power and elegance. And this is the same case with parades which were adopted from the royal parades which take place in England. Even down to holding the flag is inspired by the British, we can only indicate that the man is a Pakistani because of the headwear, the facial hair and the crescent and the star on the saddle of the horse. Soda in itself is a product adopted from the British culture. The type of drinks people were more aware of at the time were simple drinks like lemonade etc. But sodas were a great luxury.
Another thing to be pointed out is the text under the bottle saying that the soda is made automatically and untouched by the human hands, indicating the use of machines and emphasising on the fact that Pakistan was becoming a developed country. Because factories were made for the production of things which were not only necessities but also luxuries such as sodas. 
The position of the illustrations is done very well such that it evokes feelings of excitement and joy to the people who were going through hardships only a few years prior.

