Peter Rolf's profile

Ronk Torp promotional postcard

As an additional side project shortly after the release of Ronk Torp's Pool of Sorrows single, I was commissioned to design a postcard to promote himself and his work. 

The front design (top right) consists of a photograph of Ronk Torp standing in a woodland staring to the right. My intention was to make him stand out from the rest of the image by surrounding him with "dragonfly" icons carried over from the triptych artwork. These are arranged into a larger circle at the bottom left corner and a smaller one at the top right, allowing enough room to fit in text at the top and a QR code at the bottom, linking to Ronk Torp's Linktree page.

The back design (top right) consists of a greyish-brown background with a dragonfly icon in each corner and another photograph of the musician accompanied by text. I chose this colour because it matches with the tree trunks from the front design and I wanted to keep the palette consistent for both sides.


For this project, the text, icons and images had already been supplied, so I was able to begin digitally arranging initial designs straight away. I experimented with composition, spacing and colour, sourcing these from the photographs using the eyedropper tool in Illustrator.
The client preferred the background image to be spread across the postcard however, hence the next stage of my design development took this into account.
After that, I experimented with some silhouette making and colourisation on Photoshop.
Before eventually ditching the colour experimentation and playing to the strengths of the image composition instead.
For these three designs, I used the icons arranged in a circle composition from my triptych artwork for Give It Up. I looked at different sizing and positions, but we eventually agreed that the most effective way of showing this was to enlarge the circle but shrink the icons, allowing the QR code to fit in the bottom left corner.

As for the back design, I wanted to draw attention to the centre image and text to maximise the impact of the design and draw the viewer's attention to the text. I came up with two options, one with a plain coloured background and another with a faded version of the front image for the background.
I decided to go for the plain coloured background since this was less distracting, and with a few modifications to the text, the designs were finally complete.
Ronk Torp promotional postcard

Ronk Torp promotional postcard
