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UX Research: Personas & Content

Personas and content
The primary goal of this assignment was to apply UX knowledge and skills to a real-world project. Reading reviews and converting them into data that may be utilized for personas and potential features and content for the travel agency's website redesign.

For this assignment in Devine, Howest we analyzed 20 people and their experiences with traveling, we needed to make personas and a content matrix for a travel agency based on the data we got out of the peoples' feedback.

It was a tough yet interesting assignment that challenged us not to think in black and white but rather in a full color spectrum of peoples' wants and needs.
Minimal content
- Logo with slogan
- Services
- Contacts
- About us
- Bookings
- Destinations
- Customer reviews
- Images of destinations
Content Matrix
At the beginning of the assignment, we had a lot of problems to get started and were not quite sure what was expected of us. We figured to just start but that resulted in a couple of failures which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

After a lot of consulting with the teachers, our idea finally got a thumbs up (this was still in the archetype phase).  After that we started to feel more confident about what we were doing and trying not to do when creating personas. We found a good workflow and progression followed spontaneously. 

After our struggles with creating the personas everything felt smooth and we did not have any real trouble.
Figure 1. T-cup (2023) Available on October 21th, 2023 from https://t-cup.com.ua/en/
Figure 2. Outstandly (2023) Available on October 21th, 2023 from https://www.outstandly.com/gamedev/
Figure 3. Rebellion (2023) Available on October 21th, 2023 from https://rblln.fr/en/agence
UX Research: Personas & Content

UX Research: Personas & Content
