Fanni Siver's profileMichael Wurzinger's profile

A1 goes green

A1 goes green
When: September 2023 (2 weeks)

Team: Fanni Siver, Celina Sauer, Michael Wurzinger, Reza Momeni

Description: In September 2023, our team embarked on a two-week project for A1. The project's primary focus was to address two core aspects: accessibility and sustainability. We set out to apply our newfound knowledge in these areas, with a particular emphasis on adhering to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Project Focus: Accessibility and Sustainability

Our project had a dual focus:
1. Accessibility Enhancement: We aimed to ensure that A1's website could be easily used by all, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities. This included attention to details such as color contrast, keyboard accessibility, and providing alternative text for media elements. We strived to meet at least Level AA accessibility standards.
2. Sustainability Integration: In addition to accessibility, we worked to make A1's web presence more eco-friendly. This involved optimizing page weights, reducing energy consumption, and exploring sustainable hosting and server solutions. Our objective was to align A1's web presence with principles of green UX.
Research Phase
It's important to note that our project began with an extensive research phase. We conducted thorough research into best practices for accessibility and sustainability in web design. This research guided our approach and ensured that our recommendations were evidence-based and aligned with industry standards.
Design System and Sketching
To achieve our goals, we established a comprehensive design system. This system provided a structured approach to ensure consistency, clear information hierarchy, and user-friendly navigation. We also used sketching and wireframing to visualize and iterate on our design ideas, ensuring that both accessibility and sustainability principles were integrated seamlessly.
Redesigning the Mobile Version of A1
Our main task involved the redesign of A1's mobile website, with a strong emphasis on the concepts we had learned. Key elements of this redesign included:
- Responsive Design: Ensuring that the mobile version was fully responsive and user-friendly on smaller screens.
- Color Contrast and Independence: Implementing accessible color schemes.
- Clear Text and Navigation: Ensuring understandable texts and intuitive navigation.
- Sustainable Hosting Solutions: Exploring eco-friendly hosting and server options.
- User Education: Promoting user awareness of sustainability through effective messaging.
Our project, "A1 Goes Green," was a transformative effort to improve the accessibility and sustainability of A1's mobile website. By conducting extensive research, focusing on accessibility best practices, sustainability principles, and user-centered design, we successfully redesigned the mobile version of A1. This redesign not only met or exceeded Level AA accessibility standards but also contributed to a more sustainable and eco-conscious online presence. Our project showcased the impact of research-driven design in creating a digital world that is inclusive and environmentally responsible.
A1 goes green