Metal Film Posters
Hand drawn typographic posters
As part of a second year brief, these posters were created for the Tim Burton films Sweeny Todd and Sleepy Hollow, chosen because of their link through the actor Johnny Depp. Taking a common material from each film, hair and tree branches, a bespoke typeface was created for each as well as a boarder.  
Looking into the themes of each of these films, another common link was the use of a blade and so the final designs were laser etched onto sheets of metal, which were then given a light gloss to protect the detail yet still allowing the metal to scratch and age.
Both of these pieces were later featured in the 'TEXT' exhibition in the Kemistry Gallery in Shoreditch, London February 3rd -15th 2014. 
Metal Film Posters

Metal Film Posters

A pair of hand drawn movie posters etched onto sheet metal.
