My name is Senna Wuytack. I study Digital Design and Development (Devine) at Howest in Belgium. For my first project I had to look around me for 4 weeks and write down the problems I saw. I also had to write down how those people felt when they were having the problems in my notebook. I couldn't use my own problems. I also had to make some drawings to make it easy to see what problems there were. The goal was 1 problem a day. I found exactly 28 problems during these 4 weeks. This was all meant to have empathy for the people around me. I have to understand the needs, behaviours and motivations of people.
Out of the 28 notes I made, these were the 10 most memorable ones.
What have I learned?
You see and hear things that you otherwise wouldn't, if you pay attention to the people around you. You should look around you and listen to everything people say. 
A problem is something that makes people frustratedangry, sad and/or disappointed.
It's something you don't expect to happen. 
A lot of problems are around us every day. Most people don't realise that. 
There's almost always a solution for every problem.
It would be nice if you can find a solution for those people.

Senna Wuytack Student work 2023-2024 Experience Design1 
@Devine: Bachelor Digital Design and Development
UX Notebook

UX Notebook


Creative Fields