Color theory.

The first week we had to start sketching out a few characters.
This was to see what character you would end up drawing.

What I did for this idea, was to draw out a bunch of different character I really liked. I wanted to make sure they all had a different shape to them to make sure they were unique in their own way.
So I worked with shapes, designs and positions that would fit the characters well enough. After that I had to chose what design I really liked the most of the characters and I followed through with H.

H I ended up drawing 4 different stands. I wanted to try and work with different angels. The one I ended up liking a lot is H4.
After choosing which one I liked the most I made sure to sketch it out again but with a bit more detail.
Once that was done I ended up finishing with with the line-art.
Once you have the line-art for a drawing, you make sure that you end up with colors that fit well together. For this we went to the color wheel from Adobe.
What that ended up doing is put a few circles with colors and switch that color around and it will add on the colors that will look well to the assigned color you have chosen.

Once I went for pink the color wheel split to the colors green and yellow. I decided to work with these colors as well as I could, playing around with the darkness and brightness of the main colors I ended with a very beautiful drawing.

To me, she looks kind of like a flower. That is a comforting color pallet.
For the second color I went with different colors. I already had worked with nice light colors so I wanted to make it darker and quite the opposite of what my previous drawing was.

Playing around with the different color schemes was very fun to do again and make it look good.
I am very happy with the idea of this drawing So much that I made a third one more based on this one.
My three end results.

Number one: Pink
Number two: Yellow
Number three: Self thought about the colors.
What did I learn from this?
That even when you don't think much about colors, they can do a lot to a character.
Use dark colors when you want them to look more mean and rude. When you use lighter colors they seem to be more of a sweet-hearted person.
This is why character design is very important. If you use the wrong colors for the wrong characters than they might not come over the way you wanted them to.
Color theory

Color theory


Creative Fields