Yakir Naftali's profileWizo 2014's profile

Two Elements / Zelda

The brief was to create a visual interpretation for a poem by Zelda.
We were given 3 restrictions:
- It had to be abstract
- Use only Hadassah typeface
- Black and white

The poem is written as a dialogue between two elements - a flame and a cypress - she talks and he's silent (answers with no voice). The dynamic and extrovert flame is angry with the permanent, passive, restrained cypress. The two elements seem to be opposites, but they are actually two sides of the same coin. Both of them contain the madness, the spirituality, the imagination and the freedom - but they express them differently. The poem presents the different way in which every element chose to act in order to achieve the same goal - self-fulfillment.
The video tries to express the tension between the two elements and the complicated relationship of attraction-repulsion, stability-change, contradiction-completion.
Two Elements / Zelda

The flame says to the cypress:
“When I see how calm,
how full of pride you are,
something inside me goes wild – 
How can one live this awesome life
without a touch of madness,
of spirit,
of imagination,
of freedom,
with only a grim, ancient pride?
If I could, I would burn down
the establishment
that we call the seasons,
along with your cursed dependence
on earth and air and sun,
on rain and dew.”
The cypress does not answer.
He knows there is madness in him,
and freedom,
and imagination,
and spirit.
But the flame will not understand,
the flame will not believe.
Broadcast Course | Department of Visual Communication | Wizo Haifa School of Design and Education
Guidance: Jewboy (Yaron Shin), David Oppenheim
Music: Clear sky / Atmostra by Cedric Baravaglio, Jonathan Ochmann and Zdravko Djordjevic.
Two Elements / Zelda

Two Elements / Zelda

A visual interpretation for a poem by Zelda.
