This is the first issue of "alarm!" zine (site-project of Egalite magazine), published in Georgia in 2023 by Russian and Ukrainian emigrants. It talks about the (female) body. Restrictions on abortion rights, discrimination and harassment on gender and sexuality, domestic and militarized violence, the closing of borders and the rise of the far right — these are the conditions in which once considered inalienable freedoms are once again demanding protection.
It includes eight very different texts. For example: a story about a feminist pirate and her aboard ship, a manifesto "To Hell with Child Protection" about queer rights, an interlude with the creator of "The Art of Helping" and others. Main text in the issue is first translation in russian "Manifesto of the 343", petition written by Simone de Beauvoir and sign another 342 women who called for the decriminalization of abortion and admitted to having had abortions themselves.
Freedom is always here. Presentation (in Russian)


Thant you.


