THE HOUSE (2023)
The House is a short film written and directed by Ophélie Verhaeghe de Naeyer exploring the poetics of a house as a receptacle of past, present, and future existences. The film revolves around the transgenerational memory of houses and their intimacy. It is an exploration of the Poetics of Spaces (Gaston Bachelard), human nature and transgenerational relationships from mothers to daughters. 
This work was the fruit of a tight collaboration with cinema students of the ESRA school of Brussels (arranged by DP Julius Proost), working with a team of 15 people on an intense and professional 2 days shoot. 
I also collaborated with musician and compositer Aurian Baudhuin who wrote a five instruments composition specifically for the film. 
Initial Drawings for the storyboards, working on "The House" and poetics of space
The House (2023)


The House (2023)
