My family turned back the clock and resurrected our Xbox 360 with the Kinect a couple of weekends ago. The Kinect sensor did not like sitting on the ground, so I quickly pulled some books off the shelf to raise it off the ground. I'm not sure if it's the contrast between the book binding and pages and the warm wood texture of this corner of our living room, or if I just like stacked books. 

The books looked great stacked on the floor. . . and we're running out of bookshelf space.

Combine this observation with inspiration provided by Nick Backer's work, specifically a wood box/furniture assembled with a ratchet strap and my introduction to the idea of a "cocktail table" at West Elm. Now I'm trying to create a small kit that converts their underused, previously read book into a small table.
Books Escape Nook

Books Escape Nook

I was just trying to get a decade old piece of tech to work in our 2023 setup. Hence, inspiration.
