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Pirates of the Caribbean Treasure Map

Pirate Treasure Map - A graphic film prop inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean's "William Turner" character. 
It was aged to look like it belonged in the early 1700s and was inked with a dip pen. This pirate treasure map appears to be vintage by its tatty and stained appearance, along with drops of dried wax, eluding to the use of candles to read the map in darkness. 
We can clearly see an area of the map has been ripped off a long time ago: this map supposedly shows the way to find Elixir Vitae (Potion of Life). Will and his friends finally found “X marks the spot” using this map. However, but there was not one, but three bottles. The drawing of the right magical bottle has been conveniently ripped from the map, leaving the pirates questioning which bottle will save them, and what will happen to them if they drink from the other two. 
We can see an official comopass rose, and parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude, which indicated it was likely made by an official cartographer, or someone who studied maps well enough to fake one.
Pirates of the Caribbean Treasure Map


Pirates of the Caribbean Treasure Map
