Briefing: Turn the company WINBRASIL visible on social media.

Problem: The WinBRASIL company is the top of mind on his market, but in the social media they are totally forgot by yours target and consumers.

Solution: To Show the company on social media, we create a progam that has the name "Impressão Premiada" this progam can give special offers, and sale 30% off to all the peoples that have WINBRASIL connected by social media. 
1. On the channel of youtube the clients can view a lot of  tutorials totally free.
2. On the Facebook the clients can see updates of the blog and share informations, news, reviews, ideas and concepts.
3. On the Twitter the clients can see all updates of the company online and offline, and win trips to Static Control (laboratory in USA).

By the way: This project really turn the company recognized on the social media, and can offer the prosumer the chance to participate in the process of the company WINBRASIL.

To see this and other contents visit:
AD| company WIN, now inside of the social media.