Indeed my hope is strong
Textura Quadrata digital calligraphy
This project called 'Indeed my hope is strong' made with Textura Quadrata digital calligraphy (using mouse, believe it :}) was made for personal purposes. I set the brush with 6mm width; 45-degrees-inclination and 10-15% roundness and another smaller sets for flourishings, obviously.
This is kind-of-what the process was
(this is the problem of digital projects: you change everything whatever you want):
Step 1 (drawing letters):
Step 2 (adding flourishings):
Step 3 (flourishing simetry balance):
Step 4 (changing colors):
Step 5 (adding papper texture):
Step 6 (adding bright, almost imperceptible):
Step 7 (adding my signature):
Step 8 (old appearance finishing):
If you like it, please appreciate it :}
Indeed my hope is Strong

Indeed my hope is Strong

"Indeed my hope is strong" with Textura Quadrata digital calligraphy.
