Our life is formed by all lives. A personal journey through various 
Pre-Columbian civilizations
The spectator is invited to travel through different cultures through visually striking scenarios that have been designed taking into consideration the historical, geographical, and archaeological context.
They are known for their realistic sculptures of animals and human figures with very characteristic features, such as thick lips, wide nose, and almond-shaped eyes, carved in stone. They were used as decoration in ceremonial and funerary structures, and it is believed that they were also used in religious acts to represent gods and ancestors. Their cultural legacy influenced the later civilizations of Mesoamerica.
Pre-Inca culture developed in the current territory of Argentina between 800 BC and 400 BC.
They are known for their highly stylized polychromatic ceramic pieces, representative of everyday and ritual scenes. They were also skilled in metallurgy. Their cultural legacy influenced the later cultures of the region, such as the Diaguita culture.
This pre-Columbian culture started in Guerrero, Mexico, between 700 BC and 900 AD.
They are known for their skills in working with jade and stone to create sculptures with strong and abstract features. They often represented figures with deformed dental and cranial features, distinctive characteristics of Mezcala culture. 
They created an important commercial network and established diplomatic relations with other Mesoamerican cultures.

Process & R&D
A large part of the project was dedicated to researching civilizations, from geographic settings to the search for materials used in their corresponding times and places, artistic specialties, and customs.
The typography was hand-drawn by illustrator Ignasi Font. 
Sound design was developed by Ralph, who played with percussion and tribal rhythms and applied sound recordings of stones, tremors, earthquakes, water, and fluids to bring nuances of realism.
Director | Petru
Art Direction | Petru
3D Animation & Motion | Petru
Typography | Ignasi Font
Sound desing | RALPH
Copywritter Isabel Ruf, Isabel Gelvez
Thanks | Fabio Medrano, Marcos Coral Lucas Giraldez, 
Ibon landa, Carlos Cortes, Milo


