Sonic Branding - Dunzo

Finding and integrating the melody that will carry our brand from ear to ear. Wave hello to our new sonic identity!

Association by sound is a relevant part of the branding and it provides the opportunity to create a distinctive identity that resonates with our brand’s DNA. The impact it can make is evident when you see the Britannia logo, you can almost hear, ‘ting-ting-ti-ding’ in your head; or the more recent success of ‘PayTM Karo’, where you may or may not like the tune, but has you humming along in a split-second. When you have a sonic identity that strikes a chord with your brand ethos or is sticky enough, it can do more than just represent the brand. It helps the brand express itself.

When we set out to create a sonic identity for Dunzo,
we were looking to solve 3 problems.
So we reached out to Uroovaak Vora at Resonation Audio Branding to come and help us with this challenge.
We have matched Dunzo with the raag Bageshri from Hindustani Classical music.
1. It’s a popular raag that is generally sung late at night, denoting Dunzo’s 24/7 availability.
2. Meant to depict the emotion of a woman waiting for a reunion with her lover. Metaphorically speaking, the woman is the country Dunzo serves and her lover is all the things Dunzo moves for her.
3. The emotions Bageshri induces are — hope, satisfaction, fluency, happiness, positivity, brightness.
A note-worthy melody
“If Dunzo was Rocky, this would be our Eye Of The Tiger!”
The principal melody for the brand had to be clean and happy with a distinct ascend in tone, as this melody will accompany our logo with every digital creative that can accommodate sonic branding. The composition includes the brand name in the principal sound to help create better recall over time; while the melody is hummable, it uses the four notes distinctly playing in a rhythmic pattern.
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Tell me it's Dunzo without telling me its Dunzo
It’s almost impossible to imagine Darth Vader without ‘The Imperial March’, playing in the background.
The idea is to create variants of the principal melody that can be integrated into the app, and help convey a specific message to the user. Over time, these notifications would help users know that their delivery is on the way even without reading the notification.
So we derived 3 audio variations from the principle sound which is integrated into Push Notifications and the various stages of the order. But we had to ensure that the notifications weren’t intrusive or redundant. So we laid out the order flow for a customer and picked specific points in the journey where we could provide key notifications that would help the customer with the order.
Notification 1 — Partner has reached the store
When the partner reaches the store to pick up the delivery this is the audio that would accompany the notification.
Notification 2 — Partner is on the way to deliver
As soon as the partner collects the delivery from the store and heads to deliver, this would be the sound to go with that notification. Over time, this notification would help customers know that their delivery is on the way even without reading the notification.
Notification 3: Order delivered
Since this is the final touchpoint of the order flow, we have used a simple variation of the principal melody; as it presents a nice way to create recall for the sonic branding.
Notification: Waiting for user’s response
This notification will be an edge case, if the order requires the customer to confirm an item that has been changed or isn’t available, or during the ‘Any Store In The City’ flow where the partner requires confirmation for the items purchased. As this notification is more of an alert, we were generous with the low frequencies and added a buzz to the sound; so that even if your phone was not on vibrate mode, it would still emulate a buzzing sound.
One Tune. Many worlds.
A brand can emote in many ways, and it need not always be simple or straightforward; so we thought of creating different soundscapes with various instrumentation of the principal melody. This meant we could have a little bit of fun with the audio signature and make a lo-fi version of it, and even rope-in Keshav Dhar of Skyharbor fame, to collaborate with us to create a rock version of the audio signature.
Some are loop-able tones that can be used in many different ways, while others are short variations of the audio signature.
From creating the identity to the sonic branding, D457 has always looked to create a holistic appeal for the brand at every palpable touchpoint for our customers. We believe that beyond the functional aspects of branding that we have discussed above, it also opens the possibility of exploring new creative avenues with our sonic identity.

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Thank you
Sonic Branding - Dunzo