I was asked by independent film company, Bit Freaky, to produce artwork for their forthcoming feature, 'Chuffing Hell'.
At this stage, it’s best to chuck everything into the pot to see if anything sticks on the rim.
Enthused by my ingredients (sketches), Bit Freaky steered the dish (concept) toward something more satisfying (satisfying).
We were making progress with the design, but weren’t happy with the implications of the imagery.
Whilst lesser men might have rested on their laurels, I did a quick colour test, hoping that an answer might magically form in the various hues.
As it turned out, the colour test worked, but we were no nearer to hitting the ellusive illustration G-spot.
The more a solution was sought, the more it evaded our mind’s eye. All clammy and puffed out, we were ready to ring defeat’s mocking bell.
Then…the briskest wind blew the fug from the drawing board, to reveal…
Yessssss! It worked. Bit Freaky got excited, and their voices pitched slightly higher than normal.
It was time to get filthy, so I transferred the rough to a sheet of paper and inked it up real good (Here’s an old artist’s trick, dating back to the renaissance- Always take a picture of your work-in-progress next to a DVD of Tootsie (or any Academy Award nominated comedy) to give a sense of scale to your readers.)
Once scanned, I coloured digitally, and my work was done.
Check out Bit Freaky’s ‘Chuffing Hell’ here-
Chuffing Hell!

Chuffing Hell!

Artwork for a forthcoming feature film, 'Chuffing Hell' from Bit Freaky.
