Chun-Ta Chu's profile

UsagiHime business card

As a creative team specialized in 2D anime and manga illustrations and VTuber, the studio focuses on characters designed in the 'Moe' aesthetic. The company is behind the youthful yet slightly rebellious character IP known as "USAGIHIME" .
  These characters are not merely static illustrations but are brought to life through live-action performances and cutting-edge 3D interactive technology. They seamlessly traverse between the virtual and real worlds, establishing a deep connection with a dedicated fanbase through live streaming, videos, and various forms of virtual engagement.
At the core of the studio's brand is the character IP "USAGIHIME".
The aim is to expand this IP in a way that encapsulates the character's inherent traits—she's lively, rebellious, and adorned with a subtle touch of cyberpunk elements. This provides a cohesive narrative backdrop for the character, while also serving as a vehicle for extending the brand's ethos and aesthetic.

作為二次元插畫家兼VTuber的工作團隊名片。公司主要以二次元萌系的角色做為主要創作,經營著帶有青春朝氣且有點少女系叛逆的角色IP “USAGIHIME”,其角色由真人演繹,透過虛擬互動技術穿梭於網路以及現實之間,透過直播、影片、各種虛擬互動技術與粉絲們建立聯繫。

〈客戶〉 惡兔重工 
〈平面設計〉 朱俊達 Chun-Ta Chu ,  〈Logotype〉TiN ,  〈攝影〉 58kg    ​
〈用紙〉 聯美 美國高級馬卡龍 176 g/m ,  〈箔〉  立揚箔業  SL03 

UsagiHime business card


UsagiHime business card
