For this project, we were asked to design a work based on the theme of connections. To guide our creative process, we were recommended to watch the series Connections by James Burke. 

Our concept was based on synonyms. While exploring the website Thesaurus, we noticed that by developing a system, we could draw a path connecting words that usually we do not tend to see as connected, distorting their meaning.
To build this system, we initially rolled two dices 500 times and wrote down the sum of the numbers obtained. Next, we consulted Thesaurus and followed the synonyms according to the numbers, starting with the word “connection”, ”connected” and ”connecting”. To avoid closed loops, each group member tried doing 500 words across different word classes (adjectives, nouns, and verbs). After all the word classes were completed, we selected one to focus on, ultimately opting for adjectives, as we considered them the most interesting to work with. When facing a word loop, we allowed them to repeat.

Once we had all the words, we started thinking of a way to present them and what additional elements could we add to the project. Then, we thought that it would be interesting to add some images that illustrated the words. In order to expose the randomness of the internet, we restricted ourselves to using the first 12 images that appeared in Google Images search results for each word.

Our project ultimately materialized as a book that includes an introduction with all the words with their corresponding numbers, dictionary entries for the 500 words, and the corresponding images for each. We started by the word “connected” and ended up in the word “crisp”. 

With André Dias and Elena Hirn

