Emanuele Ascione's profile

Fighting Gender Violence

Fighting Gender Violence:
Stories of Courage and Resilience
This project focuses on the representation of iconic figures who have fought against gender violence and inspired change.
Franca Viola

Franca Viola is a symbol of courage in Italy. 
In 1966, at the age of 17, she refused a forced marriage and reported her kidnappers, becoming the first woman in Italy to do so. Her story inspired a new law against forced marriage.

The Story of Susanna and the Elders 

This biblical tale highlights the injustice faced by a woman, Susanna, falsely accused of adultery by two elderly judges. Her innocence eventually emerges through the intervention of Daniel, demonstrating the importance of justice and truth.
Olympe de Gouges

Olympe de Gouges, an 18th-century French writer and activist, is famous for her "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen." She fought for gender equality and women's rights, anticipating many of the fundamental ideas of the feminist movement.
Fighting Gender Violence

Fighting Gender Violence
