Inuit is an association born in June 2013 and placed in Bari. Its aim is to organize events, cultural activities and free workshops which provide the opportunity for ethnic communities, individuals and social minorities to form ethical and emancipatory use of the audio-visual medium.
In the communication project we worked on the concept of “different”, collecting pictures from movies, photographic projects, advertising and publications, on which we built various forms of communication, taking advantage of the fair use’s formula.
Starting from the previous work of Francesca Depalma we designed some versions of the mathematical symbol of “different”, which structure influenced the logotype.
The logo design has a modular structure that we regularly cut. Some parameters like kerning, thickness of the stems, inclination of the cuts, are rigidly defined. The font used in the text below is TestMe, designed by Luciano Perondi.


identity project for Inuit
