This flashback will focus on one of our talents : booth design. The Dow Chemical Company has been one of our major clients for years, allowing us to come up with a mutlitude of creative ideas to make them stand out on every way possible.
These projects created in 2009 for Dow Pharma and Dow Food were used in international fairs.
Our first goal was to come up with a similar aesthetic for both of them. The main concept for the design was to allow the viewer to see a transition from the illustration on the wall to reality, with the physical elements on the wall and the seats. In addition to a wow effect, the idea was to make chimical products more attractive and playful for the public.
But the most important part of this whole design choice was the fact that we could reuse all the physical elements : walls, seats, furniture, etc. The only thing to do was to change the colors and graphic elements : costs were divided by half.
From virtuality to reality, you will see these booth from the inital concept to its concretization.
Dow Pharma - Madrid 2009
Dow Food - Frankfurt 2009
Remember the green seats from Dow Pharma ? We do love to recycle.
Redisigned by us, they became part of an exhibition in München. 
Booth Design for Dow

Booth Design for Dow

Here is a compilation of booth designs we created for The Dow Chemical Company.
