by Salomi N Shah

It's estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of premenstrual syndrome. Feeling bloated, severe cramps, mood swings, feelings of irritability, irrational behaviour, and overeating are just few of the common symptoms.

‘That Time of the Month’ by Power Gummies is a product specifically designed to relieve PMS symptoms. It reduces cramps and headaches, and helps alleviate anxiety and depressive moods, and improves irritability.

To show the efficacy of the product, we have used famous moments in pop-culture and history with a small twist - the protagonists are women undergoing PMS symptoms, brought to life with the help of AI.

This spec ad campaign is made by a pmsing woman and is created as a fun concept, without meaning to offend any women, or any person suffering from mental health problems. 

#PowerGummies #ThatTimeOfTheMonth #PMS #ARTificialintelligence #Ai #Creative #AIGeneratedImages #brainfog #womenshealth #PMSproblems #freepik #women #periodproblems 

