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Frudis. OTF SVG Color Textured Font Family

Unique family of color otf svg realistic fonts - FRUDIS
The trick is to have two fonts - bold and thin. Each one can serve individually, but the real magic begins when you stack them in different colors, creating an eye-catching interaction and a unique play of textures and colors.

The letters seem to be saturated with real paint. Their textural diversity gives your text a depth, as if you took a brush and started to create.
By playing with overlays and colors, you create a complex and unique look.
Use Frudis to add an artistic touch to your projects. It's great for posters, illustrations, creative headlines, and more.
With Frudis, your text becomes a work of art. These fonts are like paint on your canvas, bringing a unique visual experience to life.

Check the quality before purchasing and try the FREE DEMO version of the font to make sure your software supports color fonts.

- Duo Font (can be stacked on top of each other)
- Free Demo font to check it works.
- 2 OTF SVG font in the family with Brush strokes raster glyph
- Transparency & Texture
- 2 OTF classic system fonts
- Ability to adapt letters to other languages
- Kerning

- OTF SVG fonts contain raster letters.
- Multicolor OTF version of this font will show up only in apps that are compatible with color fonts, like Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.0.1 and above, Illustrator CC 2018. Learn more about color fonts & their support in third-party apps on
-To make sure the font works - try a FREE TEST version from the list of fonts before buying.

How to install a font?
 The procedure for installing the font in the system has not changed. Install the font as you would install the classic OTF | TTF fonts.

How can I change the font color to my color? 
Adobe Photoshop: 
You can easily repaint text layer with Layer effects and color overlay. 

Frudis. OTF SVG Color Textured Font Family


Frudis. OTF SVG Color Textured Font Family

Unique family of color otf svg realistic fonts - FRUDIS.  The trick is to have two fonts - bold and thin. Each one can serve individually, but th Read More
