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" Pagla Offer" Price Drop Campaign

"Pagla Offer" - A Successful Price Drop Campaign for Laikou Cosmetic Products

Campaign Name: "Pagla Offer"
Duration: 10 August - 25 August 2023

Focallure Bangladesh - Easy Dhaka collaborated with Laikou Cosmetics to design and execute a dynamic price drop campaign named "Pagla Offer." Laikou Cosmetics aimed to boost sales and create brand awareness for their products through an engaging online campaign. Behnace took on the role of creative design and planning, crafting visually appealing content to captivate the audience and drive traffic to Laikou's website and social media platforms

Campaign Strategy
Objective: The primary goal of the "Pagla Offer" campaign was to generate a surge in sales and increase brand visibility by offering a limited-time discount on Laikou Cosmetic products.
Target Audience: The campaign targeted beauty enthusiasts, skincare aficionados, and cosmetics lovers across various age groups, with a particular focus on young adults aged 18 to 35.
Visual Identity: Developed a vibrant and eye-catching visual identity for the campaign. They incorporated Laikou's brand colors and logo into all promotional materials, maintaining a consistent and recognizable appearance.
Social Media Posts
A series of visually striking social media posts that showcased Laikou's products and highlighted the discounted prices.
Website Images
The team revamped Laikou's website with attention-grabbing banners and images promoting the "Pagla Offer." These images effectively communicated the value of the discount and encouraged visitors to explore the products.
Promotional Video
A captivating promotional video was created, showcasing the key features of Laikou's products, the discounted prices, and the limited-time nature of the offer. The video was optimized for sharing on social media platforms.
Implementation and Results
Engagement and Conversion: The campaign witnessed an impressive surge in engagement metrics across all platforms. Comments, likes, shares, and direct messages flooded in, indicating strong audience interest. The sense of urgency created by the limited-time offer led to a significant boost in website traffic and, ultimately, conversions.
Sales Impact: The "Pagla Offer" campaign generated a remarkable increase in sales during the campaign period. Laikou Cosmetic products experienced a surge in demand, resulting in a notable uptick in revenue.
The "Pagla Offer" campaign successfully showcased the power of creative design and strategic planning in driving engagement, boosting brand visibility, and generating sales for Laikou Cosmetics. By creating visually compelling content and leveraging various online channels, the campaign captured the attention of the target audience and motivated them to take advantage of the limited-time discount. This collaboration stands as a testament to the effective synergy between creative design and marketing strategy in achieving remarkable business outcomes.

Thank you 
" Pagla Offer" Price Drop Campaign