imprint. magazine #1
Imprint is a magazine that explores logo design and branding for magazines. Magazine logos no longer only serves its duty on the front page, but also in the different mediums that magazines are branching out to. I wanted to dig deeper in into this relatively untouched field in the world of branding and look at some of the new changes in this field, as well as looking at the classics and how they are still going strong to this day.
Imprint means to create a mark by pressing against a surface or to cause something to stay in your mind or memory. Similar to an imprint a logo or a brands goal is to leave a mark on something and cause it to stay in your memory. The most basic form of branding can be found early livestock branding. A method used to differentiate one person’s cattle from another’s by means of a distinctive symbol burned into the animal’s skin with a hot branding iron. Imprint does in the same way differentiate each article throughout the magazine by using symbols inspired by these branding. 
Thanks for watching!
imprint magazine

imprint magazine

Imprint is a magazine that explores logo design and branding for magazines.
