FARYX® /// Apparel Wear

F A R Y X ®


Unfolding style to embrace our best form.
Faryx® means to embrace the essence of beginnings, the perfect canvas for self metamorphosis.

The evolution to a furthest journey. 

Inspired by the Archaeopteryx, a bird that resembles transformation, followed by the mindset of how far we can go by turning into the best version of ourselves, Faryx® arises.

F A S H I O N   F O R W A R D

Power in motion to conquer.

We crafted a set of letters specially for this brand, using a sans serif style, with modular features and bold width; a firm, dynamic typography that due its length and movement is inviting to move forward.

Essence that becomes strength.

Following the design code, we engaged the letter X through a powerful abstraction embodying strength and becoming the symbol of our essence.

We redesign the top corners of the letter, to metamorphose it into an elegant and stylish feather.

T H E   A R M O R   F O R   D A I L Y   Q U E S T S

Be the witness of your transformation.

Employing the artisanal craft of engraving, we brought to life an Archaeopteryx, a representation of power and transformation that lives in everyday garments.

S E L F   S E N S O R Y   E X P R E S S I O N   U N V E I L E D 

FARYX® /// Apparel Wear

FARYX® /// Apparel Wear

Fashion is more than what we wear; is the statement of our evolution. Faryx® means to embrace the essence of beginnings, the perfect canvas for Read More
