This piece I completed during my graduate year at college. It is titled 'Coexist' and features two existing articles from the National Geographic combined together - 'Mars. God of War' & 'State of Mind'.
I discovered through my research that these two articles were related to each other in similar aspects through the existence of life. 'Mars the God of War' is in search of life. There have been continuous studies to try and prove the exisitence of life on Mars and any other living matter. The 'State of Mind' portrays our exisitence here on earth and the complicated battles of life we have to live with, forcing us to yearn for peace and seclusion. The two articles coexist with one another - through the human condition. 
This piece is a back to back magazine editorial. Reading from each end you find a meeting between the two articles at the centre fold - where they co-exsist.


This piece I completed during my grad year at college. It is titled 'Coexist' and features two existing articles from the National Geographic com Read More
