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煌奇石業廠區改造設計| T22花蓮實踐型工廠見學改造計畫


「T22 花蓮-實踐型工廠見學改造計畫」是由台灣設計研究院所發起,邀集花蓮石材產業先進與設計師們共同合作,在四組媒合計畫當中,我們為台灣第一大理石品牌「煌奇石業」進行廠區改造設計。歷時半年的設計改造,在創造新場域與改造原廠區的過程中,不斷思考新與舊的融合,並使花蓮的遠山與藍天能映照進進工廠內部,細緻展現「走入世界的礦山」核心概念,打開工廠,也打開人的五感,創造人與石對話的場域。



本次廠區改造範圍為 7 處倉庫大門、廠區與大板陳列區標識系統、以及增設一處展示交流空間。空間外牆使用一大片青玉石天然面原礦牆,強化「走入世界礦山」概念,陳設倉庫微縮樣品展示桌、廠區標誌設計與工廠產製流程。


這個中介空間提供了進入廠區前的各種訊息,如:危險區域範圍、石板現品位置及各石種的雲端 QR Code。這些涵蓋全工廠的訊息,都被縮小收攏在可一眼望盡的桌子中,整個展示桌面,就是工廠等比例縮小的地圖。藉由桌面上配置的小數字讓客戶可以對應到工廠的柱子,進而判斷不同石種與柱列的相對關係。檯面下,規劃可收納陳列不同尺寸的樣品,在客戶進入展示間時,能直觀感受到這個空間是什麼樣的存在,進而被引導、理解如何去使用它。

By revitalizing and repurposing the existing idle space, the 50-year-old factory now possesses a clear and easily recognizable appearance, and the former procurement process is also innovatively improved. The dim and unused hut has transformed into a bright and transparent display area which fosters interaction between people and the marble slabs from the factory. Within a compact space of 50 square meters, one can find detailed information on the factory's production process, purchasing instructions, and a miniature interactive map of the premises. The sequential progression of the factory’s production line : from raw marbles to finished slabs, is also displayed on the façade. 


Located in Hualien, Taiwan, Huang Chi Stone has owned the most advanced processing techniques in the marble industry for 50 years. The procurement team travels to mines all over the world to collect beautiful raw stones and skillfully transform them into exquisite marble slabs.

From large to small – the changing focus of design :
Most of the look of the stone yard is dominated by “stone” that the space is always meant for stacking slabs and making ways for huge trucks. In this project, the idle warehouse has been repurposed as a transitional space for “people” to enter the factory, with a modern design language to outline the rough image of the industry. The showroom seamlessly extends the metallic architectural elements of the factory and integrates the transparent glass materials and the marble, to create the possibility of interdependence between the new forms of exhibition space and the technical workshop. It becomes an exquisite miniaturized factory, and also an art gallery with an industrial feel. Moreover, it creates a bright area allowing people to get a glimpse of the beauty of the marble slabs in the factory. We also adjusted the quality of the warehouse doors in the iron corrugated boards to introduce a more refined texture that can present various colors according to the different angles of sunlight.

The life journey of marble :
The slabs hanging on the exterior wall of the exhibition hall, from right to left, consist of the outermost stone texture, the disintegrated surface of stone, the cut slab, and the polished slab. This showcases the simplified production process of the corporate and also invites people to explore the dry-hanging techniques of marble boards from another side of the glass. Furthermore, the furniture in the showroom, such as cloud-like shelf boards and bar stools, are all crafted from remnants of stone materials in the factory that even though they may not be formal products, they can still gain a beautiful appearance through good design.
煌奇石業廠區改造設計| T22花蓮實踐型工廠見學改造計畫

Project Made For

煌奇石業廠區改造設計| T22花蓮實踐型工廠見學改造計畫

「T22 花蓮-實踐型工廠見學改造計畫」是由台灣設計研究院所發起,邀集花蓮石材產業先進與設計師們共同合作,在四組媒合計畫當中,我們為台灣第一大理石品牌「煌奇石業」進行廠區改造設計。歷時半年的設計改造,在創造新場域與改造原廠區的過程中,不斷思考新與舊的融合,並使花蓮的遠山與藍天能映照進進工廠 Read More


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