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Brand Identity Design for Kaster Technologies

Brand Identity Design for Kaster Technologies
Kaster, an innovative software designed for medical manufacturers, optimizes production scheduling with efficiency at its core.
Design Concept:
Considering the competitive analysis and user needs research, the design should reflect the leading technology-driven solution provider for the CDMO industry. And positioning Kaster as a reliable and trustworthy partner. 
The design idea for the Kaster Brand Identity was based on visual symbols that represent accuracy and progress. The use of strong, organized lines is similar to the careful planning of Gantt charts, which are important for scheduling production. The color palette chosen, with shades of turquoise for growth and mid-blue for trust, along with the modern and strong Space Grotesque font, was selected to show innovation, reliability, and forward-thinking in the medical manufacturing industry.

The Kaster brand identity was well-received, considerably improving the brand's image as a leader in the CDMO industry. The revised visuals and messaging successfully conveyed Kaster's dedication to innovation and reliability, cultivating increased trust among existing and prospective customers.
Thank you!
Brand Identity Design for Kaster Technologies


Brand Identity Design for Kaster Technologies
